I am little better than a dependant . 我比寄人篱下的仆从好不了多少。
It is strange: a bold, vindictive, and haughty gentleman seemed somehow in the power of one of the meanest of his dependants . 很奇怪,一个大胆的、爱报复的、傲慢的绅士,不知怎么的,似乎受着他的最低微的仆人的摆布。
The dependent dependant can't live independently 依靠别人的被赡养者不能独立生活
Are students allowed to bring in their dependants 学生来港就读可否携同家眷?
For cancellation of employment restriction for dependants 终止就读人仕的签证
dependants . an academic visitor may take dependants 一名访问学者可有数名随同人员。
Dependants . an academic visitor may take dependants 一名访问学者可有数名随同人员。
No . of dependant resided in residential care home 在安老院居住的受养人数目
Applications from other dependants are not allowed 其他受养人的来港申请,概不受理。
Both dependant and taxpayer emigrated overseas 供养人及受养人都已移民海外