denomination n. 1.命名;名目,名称。 2.(度量衡等的)单位;票面金额。 3.种类;教派,宗派;派别。 plants falling under different denominations 种种植物。 money of small denominations 小钱,零钱。 What denomination 什么票面的钱币? all sects and denominations 各党各派。 adj. -al 名称上的;宗派的,教派的。
A non - denominational service , 一个与宗教无关的婚礼
A non - denominational service , 一个与宗教无关的婚礼
Denominational tradition and polity 宗派传统及体制
Non - denominational , coeducational , independent day school for 1 , 000 students , grades 6 - 12 不限于一宗教宗派,为1 , 000个学生的男女同校,独立的白天学校,分级6 - 12 。
In recent times , the trend has been towards christian and non - denominational weddings , and weddings are generally becoming more simple events 最近基督教样式的婚礼增多,婚礼正朝着简单的方向发展。
She teaches , free of charge , a non - denominational form of meditation called the quan yin method in worldwide centers 她免费传授观音法门,这是一个不属于任何宗派的静坐法门,在世界各地都有静坐中心。
In the 143 years that have since past , the small , liberal arts college has grown into today ' s non - denominational , comprehensive , teaching and learning university 经过了143年的发展,现在的温莎大学已经成为了一所全面高素质的综合性大学。
The haven of hope christian service is a non - profit making and inter - denominational christian organization founded by a group of overseas missionaries in 1953 基督教灵实协会于一九五三年由一群海外传教士创立,是一所非牟利的基督教服务机构。
Non - denominational megachurches , which caught on later in the south than elsewhere , are spreading fast , and tend to be more racially mixed than traditional ones 在南方流行较晚,而无教派之分的大教堂正在迅速地传播,并且存在比传统教堂更加种族多元化的趋势。