Effect of vacuum - assisted closure on angiogenesis during denervation of wound hedling 封闭式负压引流技术对失神经支配创面愈合过程中血管生成的影响
Expression of ciliary neurotrophic factor in ambiguous nucleus motoneuron af ter long - term laryngeal denervation 长期喉返神经损伤后疑核运动神经元睫状神经营养因子的表达
Parkinson ' s disease is a common and disabling disorder of movement owing to dopaminergic denervation of the striatum 帕金森氏病是一种常见的由于纹状体除多巴胺能神经支配的运动异常疾病。
However , it is still unclear how this denervation perverts normal functioning to cause slowing of voluntary movements 然而,仍然不清楚去神经支配是怎么导致正常功能反常,随意运动减慢的。