Clinical observe with the experiment , root of herbaceous peony has spasmolysis , composed ( restrain to central nervous system ) , bacterium of demulcent , curb , stop sweat and diuresis action 临床与实验观察,白芍有解痉、镇静(对中枢神经系统抑制) 、镇痛、抑菌、止汗及利尿作用。
The root of herbaceous peony still has composed , demulcent , solution is hot , fight phlogistic , fight ulcer , reduce portal vein maximum pressure , reduce serum bilirubin , outspread heart coronary artery , restrain plaque to gather , fight bacterium to fight virus action 赤芍还有镇静,镇痛,解热,抗炎,抗溃疡,降低门静脉高压,降低血清胆红素,扩张心脏冠状动脉,抑制血小板聚集,抗菌抗病毒作用。
Clinical consider to make clear with the experiment , angelica has protective liver cell , prevent glycogen yuan decrease , fall hematic fat , improvement circulates inside liver , fight malign anaemia , fight vitamin e lack , and demulcent , composed , diminish inflammation and bacteriostasis 临床与实验研究表明,当归有保护肝细胞,防止肝糖元减少,降血脂,改善肝内循环,抗恶性贫血,抗维生素e缺乏,以及镇痛、镇静、消炎及抑菌作用。
My teacher never crosses this fault before , true , the analgesia that ate two days piece , it is difficult to sleep otherwise , it is a neck ache , and special ache , she asks i have the demulcent method with better what , neck left and right sides is not active , she says the flesh aches 我的老师以前从来没有过这个毛病,真的,吃了两天的镇痛片,不然睡觉都困难,就是脖子疼,而且非常疼,她问我有没有什么更好的镇痛方法,脖子左右都不能动,她说肉疼。