Democritus argued that matter is formed from discrete particles . 德谟克利特认为物质是由分立的粒子构成的。
From this it was clear that democritus 2, 400 years before, had given a fallacious inaccurate name to the atom . 由此看来,显然,2400年以前德谟克利特给原子起的名字既不可靠,也不准确。
In ancient greek literature both democritus (460 b.c.) and aristotle (384-322 b.c.) referred to rabies . 在古希腊文献中,德漠克利特(公元前460-362)和亚里斯多德(公元前384-322)曾提到了狂犬病。
Similarities and differences in xun kuang and democritus ' views on nature and theories of knowledge 荀况与德谟克利特的自然观和认识论异同辨析
From this it was clear that democritus 2 , 400 years before , had given a fallacious inaccurate name to the atom 由此看来,显然, 2400年以前德谟克利特给原子起的名字既不可靠,也不准确。
In ancient greek literature both democritus ( 460 b . c . ) and aristotle ( 384 - 322 b . c . ) referred to rabies 在古希腊文献中,德漠克利特(公元前460 - 362 )和亚里斯多德(公元前384 - 322 )曾提到了狂犬病。
The time period of the greek philosopher democritus , who came up with the concept of ' atoms . ' atoms struck the body and were translated into perception in the mind 希腊哲学家德谟克里特时期,继承了“原子”的概念。原子敲击身体并传递给心灵产生知觉。
Democritus was one of the earliest philosophical materialists and speculated about the atomic structure of matter . marx ' s first published word was a study of democritus 德谟克利特是最早的唯物主义哲学家之一,也是最早的原子论创始人之一。马克思发表的第一部哲学著作就是以德谟克利特的思想为研究对象的。
Democritus was one of the earliest philosophical materialists and speculated about the atomic structure of matter . marx ’ s first published word was a study of democritus 德谟克利特是最早的唯物主义哲学家之一,也是最早的原子论创始人之一。马克思发表的第一部哲学著作就是以德谟克利特的思想为研究对象的。
The epicureans were disciples of epicurus , who believed pleasure to be the highest good in life . epicurus was a materialist . following democritus , he believed that the world consisted of atoms 伊壁鸠鲁主义者都是伊壁鸠鲁的信徒。伊壁鸠鲁相信快乐就是生活最高的善。伊壁鸠鲁是一个唯物主义者,相信有形的世界是由原子构成的,这一点他继承了德谟克利特的思想。
Democritus (, "chosen of the people") (ca. 460 ? ca.