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用"demain"造句"demain"怎么读"demain" in a sentence


  • 德曼
  • 明天


  • Let ' s hear it . - demain
    说清楚些- demain
  • Recently according to the market demain , our company develops the dyeing technique of silk of high desity and elasticity , as well as such new products as intasia printed doth
  • Sil nest pas encore question de conna ? tre le d nouement , le cinqui me volet de la s rie , harry potter et lordre du ph nix , r alis par david yates , sort demain sur les crans
  • There are three parts in this thesis : chapter 2 consider the initial - boundary value problem where q is a bounded demain in rn with smooth boundary < 3q ; with we show the local existence , the golbal existence and the decay rate of the solutions of that kirchhoff equation
    第二章我们考虑了定义在具有光滑边界的有界区域上的kirchhoff型方程初边值问题其中0 , r , p 1 , q 1 , 1 。这章给出了上述方程解的局部存在性、整体存在性和衰减估计。
  • Raised in a family of artists , viktor has been highly praised in many international events . he received the raspini award of international circus festival " cirque de demain " of paris , and many others in the international circus festival in monte carlo
    -艺术家族出身的viktor kee ,自小受父母薰陶之下,令他的表演更青出于蓝,年纪轻轻已在多个国际盛事包括巴黎的international circus festival " cirque de demain "获得raspini award的荣誉以及international circus festival in monte carlo中获得多个奖项,斐声国际。
  • Chapter 3 consider the initial - boundary value problem utt - where q is a bounded demain in rn with smooth boundary 3q ; with m ( s ) is a nonnegative c1 - function for s > 0 satisfying with we show that under certain conditions the solution blow up in finite time . chapter 4 consider the initial - boundary value problem and < ? > 2 . we show the decay rate of the solutions of the equation
    第三章我们考虑了定义在具有光滑边界的有界区域上的kirchhoff型方程初边值问题其中0 , r , p 1 , q 1 , 1 ;当s 0时, m ( s )是空间c ~ 1中的非负函数,且满足其中, 0 , 2这章我们给出了上述方程解的有限时刻爆破条件。
  • Among them , the uncompetent pelitic series are cleaved in the srong - deformation zone with relatively high temperature , high pressure ; with weak hydrofracturing , the competent sodium - rich series dilatacying and forming microfracture ( ie , embryonic fracture ) in the core of the weak - deformation demain , which is a natural lens - like pumping centre with relatively low temperature , low pressure and high permeability


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