He deluded everyone into following him . 他骗得大家都追随他。
He was not a rake that made a trade to delude women . 他并不是那样一个色棍以欺骗女人为生。
The passengers are deluded into believing themselves to be in an inertial frame with no forces acting . 乘客误以为自己处于惯性系中,且不受外力作用。
She flattered this weakness, asking him to save this headstrong deluded child of hers . 她就抓住这个弱点,竭力奉承他,要他去拯救她那倔强任性、陷处迷途的女儿。
To his deluded eyes it seemed a precious comfort to have so many like brothers commanding one another's fortunes . 在他那双被蒙蔽了的眼睛里,他觉得有这么多情同手足的朋友不分彼此地伙用着钱财。
Can parliament be so dead to its dignity and duty as to be thus deluded into the loss of the one, and the violation of the other . 难道国会对自己的尊严与职责观念如此牢固,竟会受骗以致丧失尊严、背弃职责吗?
Although we were all great friends it would be idle for us to delude ourselves that we saw eye to eye on all matters . 我们虽然都是很好的朋友,但是如果我们自己欺骗自己,硬说我们在一切问题上都取得了完全一致的看法,那也是空谈。
Don't delude yourself with false hopes 不要用虚无飘渺的希望来欺骗你自己。
Why don't you open your eyes and stop deluding yourself 你怎么还不醒醒,别再欺骗自己了
I'm not naive, sydney . i'm not deluded 我不天真,西德妮我没有被迷惑