The rubber pillow collapses when it is deflated . 橡皮枕头放掉空气后会折叠一起。
There was a loud hissing noise as the bull worked its horns free. the tank collapsed like a deflated balloon . 当牛将犄角拔出来时,那坦克发出一阵嘶嘶声,象泄了气的皮球似地瘪了。
This average of the actual and the deflated exchanges rates is intended to smooth the impact of fluctuations in prices and exchange rates . 这一实际和减缩的汇率平均数,旨在消除价格和波动的影响。
Use the deflate compression-decompression algorithm 使用deflate压缩/解压缩算法。
Nothing deflates so fast as a punctured reputation 没有比爆了胎的名誉漏气更快的了
A deflated method for eigenvalue of symmetric matrix 求解对称矩阵特征值的一种收缩方法
The act of deflating or the condition of being deflated 放气,瘪掉抽气的动作或缩小的状态
The act of deflating or the condition of being deflated 放气,瘪掉抽气的动作或缩小的状态
Looks like a deflated clown balloon 肚子象个泄了气的气球一样的男人!
Were your tires deflated today ?-yeah, she did it -今天你的汽车轮胎被人放了气?-是的,她干的