decisive adj. 1.决定性的。 2.决然的,断然的;果断的;明确的。 a decisive battle 决战。 a decisive evidence 确证。 decisive measures 断然的措施。 be decisive of 对…具有决定性。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
The decisive effect of enterpreneurs ' awards in the marketplace 企业家报酬决定中市场标准的权变作用
The decisive effect that the entrepreneur capability has on the core competence of the corporation 浅析企业家能力对企业核心竞争力的决定性作用
And it will be taken decisive effects in training of fist techniques , catch single or double hands 并且在今后单、双?手,散打搏击等双人练习中起到决定性的作用。
Suspension system is a key part for cars , and has decisive effect on car drivability , stability , and comfortability 汽车的悬架系统是汽车上一个重要的部分,与整车的操纵性和稳定性有密切关系。
On the other hand , the constructivists emphasized certain non - material factor ' s decisive effects , such as cultures , norms and identities 建构主义者则强调,文化、规范、和身份认同等非物质因素在国际关系中起主要作用。
In short , the economy has decisive effect to the national defence , and the national defence has strong retroaction to the economic development 简言之,经济对国防建设具有决定作用,国防对经济发展也有强大的反作用,历史经验为我们提供了一个反思的机会。
In this particular situation , strategies made by organization on the changes of structure have a decisive effect on the existence of the information technology system 第三,正式组织结构变迁对信息技术系统实施应用的影响,相对于前两个因素来说,更具有关键性和决定性。
However , the current situation of judicial appraisal has incurred series of discontent among people , while expert witnesses exert decisive effects on the justice and accuracy of judicial appraisal 我国司法鉴定的现状已引起了人们的一片责难,而鉴定人对司法鉴定的公正与准确则具有决定性的作用。
The third part introduces the endogenous economic increase model of lucas that based on dynamic optimal automation , revealing the decisive effect of human capital on economic increase 第三部分介绍了卢卡斯的建立在动态最优控制基础上的内生性经济增长模型,揭示了人力资本对于经济增长的决定性作用。
But among the four factors have been displayed , the film thickness of sensing material has a decisive effect on feature of elements and a relatively optimal thickness is discussed whose range is 200 - 400a 但是,在以上谈到的四个因素中,敏感材料的厚度对元件的特性起着决定性的作用,有一个相对理想的厚度范围200 - 400 ( ? ) 。