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名词复数: deciduas   
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  • n.


  • Determination of leptin in the serum , syncytiotrophoblast and decidua in early spontaneous aborters
  • Both ppar8 mrna and protein were strongly expressed in the decidua from day 5 to 8 of pregnancy
    妊娠第5 - 8天子宫蜕膜上ppar强表达。
  • However , no specific signals for ep2 mrna were detected in decidua and embryo on days 6 - 9
    从妊娠第6 - 9天,在子宫蜕膜区和胚胎上都没有检测到ep2mrna表达。
  • Both ppar5 mrna and protein were strongly expressed in the decidua from day 6 to 9 of pregnancy
    在妊娠第6 - 9天子宫蜕膜中, ppar mrna和蛋白均有较强表达。
  • Quantitative determine of real - time fluorescent pcr on the expression of leukemia inhibitory factor in early pregnant decidua
  • Effects of mifepristone on the production of tpa in cultured rat decidua and corpus luteum of early pregnancy and on the morphology of decidua
  • Ppar8 was expressed in the decidua under artificial decidualization , while was not detected in the luminal epithelium of control uterus horn
  • More recently , the laboratory has focused on natural killer cells and their roles in peripheral blood and in the pregnant uterine decidua
  • Fanned by a constant updraught of ventilation between the kitchen and the chimneyflue , ignition was communicated from the faggots of precombustible fuel to polyhedral masses of bituminous coal , containing in compressed mineral form the foliated fossilised decidua of primeval forests which had in turn derived their vegetative existence from the sun , primal source of heat radiant , transmitted through omnipresent luminiferous diathermanous ether
  • Ppar5 was expressed in the decidua under artificial decidualization , while ppar8 was not detected in the luminal epithelium of control uterus horn . ppar6 expression in the uterus of ovariectomized mice was significantly stimulated by estrogen or a combination of estrogen and progesterone
    在激素调节模型中,注射孕酮与对照组的大鼠子宫腺上皮表达低水平的ppar ,但注射雌激素或雌激素与孕酮共同处理后腔上皮及腺上皮中表达增强,表明雌激素对其表达有调节作用。


  • the epithelial tissue of the endometrium


Decidua is the term for the uterine lining (endometrium) during a pregnancy, which forms the maternal part of the placenta. It is formed under the influence of progesterone and forms highly-characteristic cells.
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