" the best idea i had in decalogue was that each of the ten films were made by a different lighting cameraman . . . it was fantastic . 《十诫》最精彩的意念是:每一诫由不同的摄影师操刀. . . . . .真是美妙极了。
Yet we have the first commandment of the decalogue to liberate us from all such false images . we are forbidden to make graven images of god . we are forbidden to worship false images of god 其实,十诫的第一诫,就把我们从这些错误的形像中,解救出来:禁止我们雕刻天主的形象,崇拜天主的偶像。
Yet we have the first commandment of the decalogue to liberate us from all such false images . we are forbidden to make graven images of god . we are forbidden to worship false images of god 其实,十诫的第一诫,就把我们从这些错误的形像中,解救出来:禁止我们雕刻天主的形象,崇拜天主的偶像。
decalogueとは意味:{名} : (モーセの)十戒◆【同】the Ten Commandments