Colour reaction of bismuth with dbc - chlorophosphoazo and its application 萘二磺酸与铋的显色反应及应用
Studies on the color reaction of pb2 and bi3 with dbc - arsenazo and its applications 铋显色反应的性能研究及应用
2007 is definitely a fruitful year for dragonflies baseball club ( dbc ) 2007年,对蜻蜓棒球会来说,无可否认是丰收的一年。
Catalytic spectrophotometric determination of osmium by arsenazo - dbc - os - potassium bromate system 溴酸钾催化光度法测定微量锇
The following code demonstrates how llff can be used to check if particular table is a part of dbc 下列代码演示llff如何用于检查一个指定的表是否从属于dbc 。
The maturest method of designing the dbc in usa is making a dielectric slab with ir reflective coating 国外较成熟的二向色镜制备方法是在介质基板上镀多层介质红外高反射膜。
Topping the list of unfinishable fiction is " vernon god little " by dbc pierre , which 35 percent said they could not 名列小说类“最难读完书籍”排行榜之首的是dbc皮埃尔创作的小说
Electrovac curamik specializes in dbc material and thermal management solutions for electronic and photonic 义威克固耐美专门研发和生产应用于电子和光电子领域中的dbc材料和热管理系统方案。
Dichroic beam combiner ( dbc ) used for hwil simulator is the key technique of the mmw / ir dual mode simulation 毫米波/红外双模成像制导仿真用二向色镜,是用于毫米波/红外双模成像仿真技术的关键器件。
After the successful baseball trip to guang zhou at dec 2007 , everyone of dbc is expecting the exciting champion game between dragonflies1 and dragonflies2 自往年12月的广州棒球之旅,所有的焦点都落在公开赛的冠军战,蜻蜓1队对蜻蜓2队。
dBc (decibels relative to the carrier) is the power ratio of a signal to a carrier signal, expressed in decibels. For example, phase noise is expressed in dBc/Hz at a given frequency offset from the carrier.