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用"cystoscopy"造句"cystoscopy"怎么读"cystoscopy" in a sentence


  • 膀胱镜检查法


  • A cystoscopy device
  • The patient mentioned that he was scheduled to go in for cystoscopy in a couple weeks because there had been blood in his urine
  • Ultrasound , ivu , cystoscopy and retrograde ureteropyelography were used to make the preoperative diagnosis . results : open surgery has been undertaken in all cases
  • Objective : to assess the efficacy and safety of endourethral surgery for complex posterior urethral stricture using bipolar plasma - kinetic technique combined with flexible cystoscopy
  • Methods : 7 patients suffering with posterior urethral stricture and occlusion because of pelvic fracture were treated by endourethral surgery , using plasma - kinetic energy system , guided by flexible cystoscopy through cystic fistula
  • Conclusions : endoscopic operation with bipolar plasma - kinetic energy combined with flexible cystoscopy were believed efficacy and safety to be the first choice of treatment for complex posterior urethral stricture and occlusion
  • Left focus 9 cases , right 3 cases , combined with ureter stone 4 cases , bladder calculus 2 cases , kidnery stone 1 case ) confirmed as ureteral polyp in low segment by cystoscopy / or ureteralscopy , operations and pathologyical examination
  • Results : 15 cases of patients were diagnosed as primary ureteral carcinoma by b - ultrasonography , intravenous pyelogram ( ivp ) , cystoscopy and retrograde urography , ct , mri , ureteroscopy before operation . all of the patients were proved to be transitional cell carcinoma by pathological examination after operation
  • Methods from april 1990 to aug . 2006 , about over 1 500 kidney transplantations were performed and 8 patients were diagnosed as renal tumors by b - ultrasound , ivu , cystoscopy , and ct etc , including 1 case of renal pelvis tumor , 3 cases of ureter tumor and 3 cases of cyst tumor , and 1 case of penis tumor
    方法8例患者在肾移植术后3 - 16年出现间歇性血尿,通过b超、静脉尿路造影( ivu ) 、膀胱镜、输尿管镜、逆行肾盂造影、 ct及内窥镜下取材活检等,证实1例为肾盂肿瘤, 3例为输尿管肿瘤, 3例为膀胱肿瘤, 1例为尿道肿瘤。
  • Our past record of achievement includes the production of cystoscopy devices , mass measurement devices employing 3d imaging , furnace interior temperature measurement devices , large - size raw garbage processors , industrial craft - use sand blasters , etc . as some of the above items suggest , we are have a keen interest in the development of food - related equipment and welfare equipment
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