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用"cygan"造句"cygan"怎么读"cygan" in a sentence


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  • 35 mins - cole replaces cygan to a rousing reception at highbury
  • Ray parlour and pascal cygan are both still on the road to recovery and will not face the merseysiders on sunday
  • Arsene wenger has paid tribute to one of the arsenal players least likely to hog the headlines - pascal cygan
  • 34 mins - ashley cole is stripped off and poised for an earlier - than - expected return to the fold as pascal cygan struggles with an injury
  • Centre back cygan is interested in stopping rather than scoring and , according to his manager , has been an important cog in his side ' s tight defensive machine this season
  • Johan djourou or pascal cygan would be alternatives to stand in alongside tour " you will laugh , " wenger said yesterday on arsenal tv . " sol has come back but he is out now because of a foot problem
    在接受阿森纳电视台采访时,温格对坎贝尔的受伤表示了无奈,他说: “坎贝尔是回来了,但现在他又不得不再次离开,因为他的脚有伤。
  • Johan djourou , 19 , got the nod to partner kolo toure ahead of pascal cygan in midweek - but wenger has admitted he is an admirer of davies and has seen him perform at the top level after he starred for the baggies despite their relegation to the championship last season
    后卫乔鲁, 19岁,周中超越西甘得到了同伴图雷的认可,但温格偏就认定了库蒂斯?戴维斯,他看过此人的比赛,认为是灯笼裤西布朗的未来之星,尽管西布朗已经降级。
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