form a curl, curve, or kink; "the cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling" 同义词:curve, kink,
play the Scottish game of curling
twist or roll into coils or ringlets; "curl my hair, please" 同义词:wave,
wind around something in coils or loops 同义词:coil, loop,
shape one''s body into a curl; "She curled farther down under the covers"; "She fell and drew in" 同义词:curl up, draw in,
curlとは意味:1curl n. カール, 巻き毛; カールしている状態; 渦巻き形. 【動詞+】 ◆comb out one's curls くしですいてカールを伸ばす ◆The girl had beautiful blond curls. 少女の髪は美しいブロンドの巻き毛だった ◆Her hair has lost its curl. 彼女の髪の毛のカールがとれた ◆keep brushing to tak...