Engineering students ' innovative ability and cultural trait instruction activities on the open classroom 工科大学生创新能力与第二课堂人文素质教育
It shares many of the same cultural traits as italy , including love of wine , cheese and soccer 圣马利诺与义大利有许多相同的文化特徵,包括热爱饮酒、起司与足球。
What is more effective is that government should sponsor countryside or rural areas for the purpose of preserving and generating conventionally cultural trait 仅从保护发展传统文化的角度上,对乡村的资助更有效。
In order to prosper china ' s design industry , what we need to do is mix our national cultural traits with design itself , thus promoting design for the nation 想要振兴中国的设计,就要将民族文化特征融入到设计之中,做民族的设计。 ”
Therefore , we may realize their life concerns and cultural traits several thousand years ago by the exploration of the symbolic meaning revealed in ancient egyptian art 因此,本文探究的这些象徵意义,应当有助于我们了解古埃及人的生命情怀与文化特质。
The development of ancient chinese science and technology and its cultural traits has deeply influenced the developmental orbit of chinese ancient jiehua and the outlook of the history 中国古代科技的发展及其文化特质,深深影响着中国古代界画的发展轨迹及历史面貌。
There are many factors that influence students " participation in classroom interaction . this thesis attempts to use a survey study to explore what and how teacher traits , student traits and cultural traits influence classroom interaction 本文分别对五十名男学生和五十名女学生进行了调查问卷与访谈以期探察教师因素、学生因素与文化因素是如何影响学生的课堂参与的。
But this is equally true of cultural traits , which indicate clearly a person ' s value system when crucial decisions need to be made before there is any time to think about alternatives , for example , diving into a flooding stream to rescue a drowning child 文化也是如此,在人们必须很快作出选择和决定,而没有时间思考时,它就清楚的指引着人们的价值观,比方说跳入湍急的河流中去救落水的孩子。
The essay compared their thoughts , especially their aesthetic standards , trying to find out their art thoughts and cultural traits with christianity , hoping to deeply understand their contribution to chinese modern literature 本文将他们的思想、作品尤其是审美价值取向进行比较分析,试图去发掘那些蕴涵着基督教文化精神的艺术思考与某种新的文化特质,以期更深层次地去理解闽籍作家对于中国现代文学的贡献。