For example , we invested 400 thousand on ctrip in 1999 , while we put only 10 million on rujia 第三个说是高回报,现在至少一半的风险投资都还没有赚钱。
For ctrip shares , she has a 12 - month price target of $ 75 - - 23 % above fridays close of $ 60 . 73 她为携程旅行网设定的12个月目标价为75美元,比上周五60 . 73美元的收盘价高出了23 % 。
Chinese credit card is " a terrible pain for a foreigner to acquire " , and the only one you can use for the ctrip . com website “申请中国的信用卡对于外国人来说非常非常困难,而且在携程的网站上你只能用中国的信用卡。 ”
A chinese credit card is " a terrible pain for a foreigner to acquire " , and the only one you can use for the ctrip . com website “申请中国的信用卡对于外国人来说非常非常困难,而且在携程的网站上你只能用中国的信用卡。 ”
Three years ago , shen nanpeng was the president and finance manager of ctrip when he was just busy doing all the “ stage ” jobs 3年前,沈南鹏先生担任携程网总裁兼财务总监,是一个繁忙的演员,而当如家上市时,他的功能已经转变成一个幕后导演? ?联席董事长。
The founders of ctrip . com ( ctrp . o : quote , profile , research ) , china ' s biggest online travel agent , were early investors in home inns , which focuses on chinese travellers spending 150 - 300 yuan ( $ 18 - $ 35 ) per night 中国最大的在线旅行网站携程网的创始人是如家快捷的早期投资人之一,如家快捷的客户是每晚酒店客房消费额在人民币150 - 300元的人群。
The first two seminars were focused on linktone ( lton - nasdaq ) and ctrip . com ( ctrp - nasdaq ) . future events will include an entrepreneur of the year program , finding business angels , and the 3rd investors forum 创业中心将会建立由在校学员及校友组成的企业家俱乐部,定期开展活动,加强成员间的交流,以及风险投资基金及创业领域专家与俱乐部成员间的互动。
This paper collected customers ' comments on hotels in beijing from ctrip ' s website , applied critical incident technique to classify the services that led to customers ' dissatisfaction , and made an analysis of the possible reasons 摘要本次研究搜集了携程网上商务散客对北京地区饭店的点评,采用关键事件定性分析法,对引起顾客不满的服务接触进行了分类,从而分析导致顾客不满的原因。
Yet investor enthusiasm for ctrip , home inns and even domestically listed cyts has dipped recently , as recent mortgage - related troubles in the u . s . and high world oil prices have sparked fears that global economic growth could slow 不过,由于不久前的美国次级抵押贷款危机和全球油价高企使人们担心世界经济增长可能放缓,投资者对携程旅行网、如家快捷酒店和中青旅的热情近期也开始降温。