He ' s a pleasant fellow and he ' d do the job credibly 他是一位不错的年轻人而且他的性格十分踏实可靠
The trajectory planning software is developed which runs credibly 开发了航迹规化软件系统,系统运行可靠稳定。
Operate highy exactly and credibly even without encoder 即使不用编码器encoder也能实现高精度高信赖度之运转。
Relinquishing control allows you to credibly claim that you can ' t increase wages 放弃控制权承认了你没有增加工资的权力的可信。
Saddam hussein has not credibly explained these activities . he clearly has much to hide 侯赛因并没有对这些活动做出可信的解释。
The markets will not recover until lenders believe the banks have credibly owned up to their losses 在投资者相信银行已经将其损失完全公之于众之前,市场状况恐怕是难以好转了。
At present , a credibly new triangle has been formed , even though it is still influenced by the old model 中印巴三角关系受着多种因素的制约和影响,但当前有利的因素占主导地位。
I have no reason to believe that any these can be credibly used in sfp1 … some may have applicability , others may not 但我不保证所有的这些在sfp1都有效… …有些可能有用,但有些未必。
This thesis designed and manufactured highly intelligent adcm controller , which not only runs credibly , but also cost lowly 该控制器具有智能化程度高、硬件成本低、体积小、运行可靠等特点。