Our favourite beaux are not great coxcombs . 我们心爱的人不是大花花公子。
He is a plausible coxcomb . 他是个巧言令色的花花公子。
Jones was not so vain and senseless a coxcomb as to expect . 琼斯并不是那么一个不自量,没头没脑的浪荡哥儿。
That coxcomb died because of much drinking 那个花花公子因饮酒过量而死了。
He is a coxcomb 他是一个纨绔子弟。
You are attempting the coxcomb, are you ? wait till i get hold of those elegant locks-see if i won t pull them a bit longer 你打算作个花花公子么,是不是等我抓住那些漂亮的卷发瞧瞧我会不会把它再拉长一点!”
Emilia . by heaven, i do not, i do not, gentlemen . o murderous coxcomb ! what should such a fool do with so good a woman 爱米利娅苍天在上,我没有说谎;我没有说谎,各位先生。杀人的傻瓜啊!像你这样一个蠢才,怎麽配得上这样好的一位妻子呢?