Activity cosponsored with the hualien family support center 配合花莲家扶中心中秋送暖活动的收据。
Promotions that run on our websites may be sponsored by companies other than us or may be cosponsored by us and another company 在我们网站及其相关公司的纲站上推行之宣传活动,可能由我们以外之公司赞助,又或由我们及另一间公司共同赞助。
The symposium is cosponsored by asco with the american gastroenterology association institute, the american society for therapeutic radiology and oncology, and the society for surgical oncology 这次座谈会是有美国临床肿瘤学会和美国胃肠道协会,美国放射治疗学和肿瘤学学会,美国外科肿瘤学会共同赞助的。
The cosponsors reportedly agreed on a revision calling for a " progressive " withdrawal of israeli troops and the simultaneous deployment of the lebanese army, backed by an expanded un peacekeeping force 据称:联合国通过一份修订草案,此修订草案呼吁以色列军队逐步撤离,同时黎巴嫩军队要在联合国维和部队扩军的支援下逐步进驻。
The cosponsors reportedly agreed on a revision calling for a " progressive " withdrawal of israeli troops and the simultaneous deployment of the lebanese army, backed by an expanded un peacekeeping force 据称:联合国通过一份修订草案,此修订草案要求以色列军队逐步撤军,与此同时黎巴嫩军队在联合国扩大维和部队的支援下逐步入驻。
The basis of the vocational education groups is the interests of all the parts involved in different professions, regions, systems, cosponsored schools, companies or social entities 摘要职业教育集团是以各方利益一致为基础,以行业(专业)、地域或原有的建制为纽带,联合学校、企业和其他社会团体共同参与举办职业教育的一类教育集团。
The cosponsors reportedly agreed on a revision calling for a " progressive " withdrawal of israeli troops and the simultaneous deployment of the lebanese army, backed by an expanded un peacekeeping force 据称:法国和美国在修订草案上最终达成一致协议.这份修订草案要求以色列军队立刻撤军,同时立即部署由联合维和部队的支援下的黎巴嫩军队
With the support of the chiayi municipal government, fellow initiates from the chiayi center invited community organizations in the area, including the international tong-jee society, the chiayi lions club, and the seeu-lan culture and education foundation, to cosponsor an activity entitled " heartwarming winter-love on earth . " together, they paid visits to senior citizens in the home of love, the home of compassion, and the home of jee-may care . lucky money was presented to the seniors as gifts for the lunar new year 嘉义小中心今年首度邀请国际同济会国际嘉义狮子会及秀峦文教基金会等嘉义地区民间社团,在嘉义市政府的督导之下,联合举办寒冬送暖天地有情,人间有爱慰问老人活动,前往嘉义市仁爱之家博爱仁爱之家以及济美仁爱之家,致赠年节慰问金,并以歌舞才艺表演,让老人们度过一个温馨的季节。