

  • 科尔韦
  • 强迫劳役



  • 例句与用法
  • Taxes amp; amp; corvee policy to minority nationalities in han dynasty
  • Although the majority of the xi feng new corvee had been abolished during " yuan you geng hua " period , the advantageous parts of the new corvee have been maintained
    但是, “元?更化”虽然废除了大部分熙丰新法,仍保留了熙丰新法中确实可行的有利部分。
  • They were forced not only into hard labour but also to bear the heavy burdens of corvee and tax . living in poverty and starvation , they were struggling for existence on the brink of death all year round
  • It covers all aspects of the society of the zhou dynasty , such as work and love , war and corvee , oppression and resistance , customs and marriage , sacrifices and feasts , astronomical phenomena and landforms , animals and plants
  • In about 1500 ( the middle period of ming dynasty ) , the system of paying tribute and corvee was collapsed , the tenant ' s managing right was extended and the commercial capital seeped into agriculture . under the circumstances , the local commodity economy was fully - developed , and the long distance trade between mountainous areas and forelands occurred . but both the domestic and overseas markets were limited , and so was the development of commodity economy in min - chao area , because the sea route was not straightway in the middle period of ming dynasty
    1500年前后(明代中叶) ,在贡徭制崩溃、佃农经营权扩大、商业资本进入农业的背景下,当地的商品经济已有相当的发展,山区与沿海的长距离贸易发生,但因海路不通,国内市场与海外市场有限,明中叶闽潮商品经济的发展也是有限度的。
  • 英文解释
  • unpaid labor (as for the maintenance of roads) required by a lord of his vassals in lieu of taxes

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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