Some metals , such as cobalt , nickel , chrome and so on , can corrade the element in high temperature melting state and affect the service life of element 部分金属如钴、镍、铬等在高温熔化状态可以对元件造成侵蚀,影响元件的寿命。
In han culture circle there seems no such weapon with complex pattern on steel , especially in early time . moreover , how to add that pattern ? carve ? corrade 汉文化圈里好象不会出现这种在钢铁上有复杂花纹的兵器,特别是早期。而且,那个花纹是如何弄上去的,錾刻?腐蚀?
( 7 ) rainfalls can " deposit " the co2 in air , making it to take part in the process of karst , to dissolve and corrade carbonate rock . co2 concentration in soil become lower after heavy rainfall and become higher after general rainfall . ( 8 ) the value of chemical characteristic of soil water in the high elevation area is lower than that in the low elevation area ( 7 )降雨可以对coz产生影响, “沉淀”大气中的co : ,使其参与到岩溶作用中,溶蚀碳酸盐岩;降雨对土壤空气中coz的影响与雨强、雨量有关,降雨量、雨强较大时,土壤空气中的c02产生受到抑制,降雨量和雨强较小时,土壤空气中的coz浓度升高。