The corpus luteum of the previous pregnancy regresses very rapidly . 前次妊娠的黄体很快开始退化。
During the civil war, writs of habeas corpus were ignored, and civil trials gave way to military trials . 南北战争时期,人身保护法遭到践踏,民事审判被军事审讯所代替。
In current popular usage it often means merely a corpus of erroneous but widely held beliefs . 在目前流行的习惯用语里,它常常只是指一些有错误的,但又广为坚持的信念的素材。
In marsupials, such as opossum and kangaroo, the life span of the corpus luteum is similar in pregnant and nonpregnant females . 在有袋目动物中,如负鼠和袋鼠,妊娠和非妊娠母兽的黄体存在时间相似。
On the importance of corpus in grammatical tests 论基于语料库的语法测试的重要性
Applies for a writ of habeas corpus for the fifth time 在英国第五次申请人身保护令
Applies for a writ of habeas corpus for the third time 在英国第三次申请人身保护令
Applies for a writ of habeas corpus for the tenth time 在英国第十次申请人身保护令
Applies for a writ of habeas corpus for the ninth time 在英国第九次申请人身保护令
The critic to monk - poets ' extra corpora in sikuguanshuzongmu 中的诗僧别集批评