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用"coronado"造句"coronado"怎么读"coronado" in a sentence


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  • Four years at navai base coronado . they paid for coiiege
  • It ' s the cross of coronado
  • It belongs to coronado
  • Cross the coronado bridge to visit " del coronado hotel " , which is the oldest hotel in california
  • He was commissioned via the naval rotc program at m . i . t . and entered the surface warfare training pipeline in coronado , california
    他在麻省理工学院时参加海军后备军官训练团( rotc ) ,后进入加利福尼亚科洛纳多的水面作战训练课程。
  • Around noon time , we will arrive at the largest naval station of the west coast - san diego . we cross the coronado bridge to visit " del coronado hotel " , the oldest hotel of california
  • Head into san diego around noon , where we will arrive at the largest naval station of the west coast . cross the coronado bridge to visit " del coronado hotel " , which is the oldest hotel in california
  • Fire crews in arizona are already battling several blazes including this one in the coronado national forest . experts are concerned this is going to be another bad year for wildfires
  • Fire crews in arizona are already battling several blazes including this one in the coronado national forest . experts are concerned this is going to be another bad year for wildfires
  • Oklahoma and oklahoma city have a fascinating history that stretches back past the oil boom , the great land run of 1889 , the great cattle drives , the civil war , the five civilized tribes , and the plains indians , back before coronado crossed theland looking for his city of gold - back to when thundering herds of dinosaurs roamed the windy prairies
    俄克拉何马州和俄克拉何马市的历史丰富多彩,经历了大平原印地安人定居期,五大文明部落期,美国内战,大牛群迁徙, 1889年的跑马圈地,以及本世纪的石油大繁荣期。再向前可还追溯到探险家coronado将军的西征,以寻找他的“黄金城市” 。
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