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用"corley"造句"corley"怎么读"corley" in a sentence


  • 科利


  • Corley did not answer .
  • Stephen lent him one of them . - thanks , corley answered . you re a gentleman
    “谢谢喽, ”科利回答说, “你是一位君子。
  • Ah , god , corley replied , sure i couldn t teach in a school , man
    “啊,天哪, ”科利回答说, “我可绝不是当教师的材料,老兄。
  • His grandfather , patrick michael corley , of new ross , had married the widow of a publican there whose maiden name had been katherine also talbot
  • He was the eldest son of inspector corley of the g division , lately deceased , who had married a certain katherine brophy , the daughter of a louth farmer
  • Corley , at the first go - off , was inclined to suspect it was something to do with stephen being fired out of his digs for bringing in a bloody tart off the street
  • This , therefore , was the reason why the still comparatively young though dissolute man who now addressed stephen was spoken of by some with facetious proclivities as lord john corley
  • Stephen , that is when the accosting figure came to close quarters , though he was not in any over sober state himself , recognised corley s breath redolent of rotten cornjuice
  • Who now exactly gave them , or where was , or did he buy ? however , in another pocket he came across what he surmised in the dark were pennies , erroneously , however , as it turned out . - those are halfcrowns , man , corley corrected him
  • Though this sort of thing went on every other night or very near it still stephen s feelings got the better of him in a sense though he knew that corley s brandnew rigmarole , on a par with the others , was hardly deserving of much credence
    尽管这类事情每隔一夜或者几乎是如此就能遇上一次,斯蒂芬还是为之怦然心动。他晓得科利方才那套新近胡乱编造的话照例是不大可信的,然而,正如拉丁诗人所说: “我对不幸遭遇并非一无所知,故深知拯救处于厄运中者。 ”


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