coquet vi. 1.(女子)卖弄风情,卖俏;闹着玩儿〔指轻佻无诚意的调情〕。 2.玩弄;轻浮对待,玩忽。 coquet with (a man) 玩弄(男子)。 coquet with (one's duty) 玩忽(职守)。 n. =coquette.
She laughed, twisting her shoulder in a horrible parody of coquetry . 她笑了,一面扭动着肩膀,做出一副肉麻的卖弄风情的姿态。
In the same year , he founded coquetry with jing bute and again in 1999 , he started modern chinese poetry 1985年与刘漫流、孟浪等创办《海上》诗刊,同年与京不特创办《撒娇》诗刊。
If i do - well , said madame , drawing a breath and nodding her head with a stern kind of coquetry , i ll use it 如果那样的话晤, ”老板娘说,既卖弄风情,又严厉地吸了一口气,点了点头, “它就会有用了。 ”
She now turned and looked upon him in full , the instincts of self - protection and coquetry mingling confusedly in her brain 现在她转过身来,面对着他,脑子里自卫的意识和女性调情的本能乱哄哄地混杂在一起。
Answer me truly once more . do you think miss ingram will not suffer from your dishonest coquetry ? won t she feel forsaken and deserted 再次老实回答我,你不认为你不光彩的调情会使英格拉姆小姐感到痛苦吗?
What a darling this papa is ! she cried , kissing him , and she glanced again at pierre with the unconscious coquetry that had come back with her fresh interest in life 这个爸爸! ”她一边说,一边亲吻他,她又瞟了一眼皮埃尔,带着她那又恢复了的不自觉的妩媚与活泼。
If she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie , or if she " took up " with him at all , to call her by her first name 如果她吃他那一套献殷勤的手段,他马上开始用小名称呼她了。他上百货大楼时,总喜欢靠在柜台上和女店员像老熟人一样聊聊,问些套近乎的问题。
S ; " you cannot reproach me with the slightest coquetry . i have always said to you , i love you as a brother ; but do not ask from me more than sisterly affection , for my heart is another s 我一直都对你说,我只把你看作我的哥哥,别向我要求超出兄妹之爱的感情,因为我的心早已属于另外一个人了。
So next morning mick was more uneasy than ever ; restless , devoured , with his hands restless in his trousers pockets . connie had not visited him in the night . and he had not known where to find her . coquetry ! . at his moment of triumph 第二天,蔑克显得比一向更不安:躁急着,自抑着,两只不安的手插在裤袋里,康妮在夜间没有去找他而他又不知到哪间屋去找她。
Ellen was so lovely that she was not merely free from the slightest shade of coquetry , she seemed on the contrary ashamed of the too evident , too violent and all - conquering influence of her beauty . she seemed to wish but to be unable to soften the effect of her beauty 海伦太美了,从她身上看不到半点娇媚的表情,恰恰相反,好像她为自己坚信不疑的诱惑力足以倾到一切的姿色而深感羞愧,好像她希望减少自己的美貌的诱惑力,可是无能为力。