continue vi. 1.连续,继续;延伸。 2.仍旧,依旧,留。 The rain continued all day. 雨终日不停。 The door continued to bang all night. 这门砰当砰当地响了一晚上。 He continued at his post. 他留任原职。 continue at school 留校。 continue in command. 继续担任指挥。 continue on page 20. 下接20页。 vt. 接续,继续;使留任;延续,延长;【法律】使(诉讼)延期。 To be continued. 待续。 continue a boy at school 使孩子继续求学。
acting n. 1.行为。 2.演技,演出。 3.装假,做戏。 a play suitable for acting 适合上演的剧本。 adj. 1.活动着的。 2.代理的,临时的。 3.(供)演出的。 an acting principal 代理校长。 an acting copy [script] 【戏剧】台本,脚本。 an acting volcano 活火山。
Castle - hughes says she wants to continue acting , but " i do n ' t have anything lined up , " she admitted 卡斯特休伊斯说她想继续演戏,但是她承认“目前还没有电影可拍” 。
Dynamic verification , stand stone of verification , will continue acting as an important role during the verification flow in the future 动态验证技术是验证的基础,在今后的验证流程中也将继续扮演重要的角色。
He hoped she would return to her domestic role of wife and mother , but it now seemed unlikely - vivien was determined to continue acting 他希望费雯能够回到做妻子和母亲的角色中来,但这看起来不太可能了费雯已决定继续其演艺事业。
The period of time mentioned in the paragraph above shall be counted from the day the acts violating the administration of public security are committed or from the day the acts stopped if they are continuous or continuing acts 前款期限从违反治安管理行为发生之日起计算,违反治安管理行为有连续或者继续状态的,从行为终了之日起计算。
In view of the doubts over the suitability of these persons to continue acting as the appointee , swd has re - appointed social workers to act as appointee in nine cases , another trustworthy relative to act in one case , while follow - up is still underway in the other two cases 由于社署对这些人士是否适合继续担任受委人存疑,因此在其中九宗个案中已重新委任社工为受委人,而在另一宗个案中则重新安排一名值得信赖的亲属为受委人。