contented adj. 满足的,满意的;甘心的。 He is contented with his lot. 感到满足。 a superior hard to be contented难于使之感到满意的上司。 a contented look 满意的表情。 be contented to do 乐意地[甘心情愿地]做…。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
The joint chiefs seemed to be going contentedly along . 参谋长联席会议看来是欣然同意的。
When he listened to yvonne, he could coast contentedly . 在听伊冯唠叨时,他可以不费心思地随波逐流。
Those who were still older, and could reach the tables, marched about munching contentedly at meat bones and bologna sausages . 那些年龄较大,够得着桌面的孩子,都个个心满意足地啃着肉骨头或咬着大香肠到处游荡。
They were for the most part tame, broken-spirited, poor wretches who contentedly resigned themselves to a life of miserable toil and poverty . 他们大都是顺从的精神沮丧的可怜虫,甘心地过着悲惨的劳苦穷困的生活。
The baby sucked ( away ) ( at its bottle ) contentedly 那婴儿舒适地嘬著(奶瓶)
We are men , and must follow the world of men contentedly 我们是人,须快意于人的国度。
A city where people can live and work contentedly is a good city 市民能够安居乐业的城市,才是好城市。
The cow stood contentedly in the field , whisking flies away with her tail 奶牛很满足地站在地里,用尾巴赶着苍蝇。
They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails 这些人犹如街上的有轨电车,满足于在自己的轨道上运行。