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用"constructiveness"造句"constructiveness"怎么读"constructiveness" in a sentence"constructiveness"的同义词


  • 建群性
  • 建造性


  • Currently , scholars lay emphasis on the constructiveness of identity , which provides a theoretical basis for researches on regional identities
  • Except some aspects such as the administration , the public participation , etc , the thesis emphasizes the theories and methods of urban design for the constructiveness of planning and design at the stage of regulatory planning
  • Economic observer excels in fully presenting newly emerged , active ideas and attitudes as to value and life , i . e . , sense and constructiveness ; select information ; columns with unique angle of view ; photos of great impact and delicate whole designing
  • While the world in teaching is the field constructed around the center of understanding and embodied by explicit behavior and in which the life possibilities of teachers and students ' can be designed and realized , whose fundamental characteristics are internality , comprehensive nature , instrumentality , constructiveness and academic nature
  • Nevertheless , people have reached a common knowledge of chinese teaching ~ lack of humanity ; emphasis on its nature of a tool ; dispatch of real life and focus on dull logistics . consequently , chinese teaching , which is supposed to be centralized by beauty sensing education , has turned out to be away from its target . development teaching theory is based on the concept of constructiveness and development
  • Based on the analysis on proper strategies to deal with the five aspects in the construction of the ideological resource : the domination and the diversity , the progress and the hierarchy , the criticism and the constructiveness , the inheritance and the creativity , the nomocracy and moral ruling , this paper expounds the issue of strengthening the construction of the ideological resource


  • the quality of serving to build or improve


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