constellation n. 1.星座;星群;(占星术中认为与某人命运有关的)星宿;(杰出人物等的)灿如明星的集团。 2.型。 3.(组织上的)配合。 4.【心理学】(思想感情)丛。 5.【语法】并列关系。 6.〔C-〕美国 C-69 型星座式远程客机。
A constellation is a stellar system . 一个星座就是一个恒星星系。
Epsilon lies at the western edge of the constellation . 星位于这个星座的西边缘。
A constellation is a pattern of stars as seen from the earth . 一个星座只是从地球上看到的某些恒星的一种样子。
Each segment is named according to the principal constellation found in it . 每个分区用在它里面发现的首要星座来命名。
This classification is not arbitrary like the grouping of the stars in constellations . 这种分类并不象把星座里的星体分成各群那样地随意。
There is no consistency about the sizes or shapes of either constellations or countries . 无论星座或国家,其形状和大小都没有统一的标准。
Most of the constellations actually bear little resemblance to the figures they are supposed to . 其实,大多数星座与它们被想象的形象之间,仅仅稍微有些相似。
She passed over the constellation of the twins, and was now nearing the half-way point between the horizon and the zenith . 这时候,它正在穿过双子座,已经走到了地平线和天顶中间的地方。
The principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation . 这些原则,在革命和改革时期,成为明亮的星座,在我们的前方照耀,为我们指引途径。
We come from a planet in the andromeda constellation 我们来自仙女座的一颗行星