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用"congruous"造句"congruous"怎么读"congruous" in a sentence"congruous"的同义词


  • adj.
    1.一致的,适合[协调]的,符合的 (with to)。


  • His actions are congruous with his principles
  • The open - plan design also reflects the bank s congruous and new proactive management concepts
  • Concept of subsidy volunteer is congruous with the concept of volunteer with regard to the spirit of volunteering service
  • The authors have proved that the two types of definitions are congruous by using limit theory , while discussing the correlation among the subclasses of heavy - tailed distributions
  • This paper discusses whether the definitions of heavy - tailed distributions produced by slow - varying function and the definitions of heavy - tailed distributions produced by exponential echelon matrix are congruous
  • The open - plan design also reflects the bank s congruous and new proactive management concepts . icbc ( asia ) actively looks for further expansion by way of mergers and acquisitions or other collaborative efforts
  • Of some one sole unique advertisement to cause passers to stop in wonder , a poster novelty , with all extraneous accretions excluded , reduced to its simplest and most efficient terms not exceeding the span of casual vision and congruous with the velocity of modern life
  • The architecture of management system of user network business which is realized finally is simple , the structure is legible and the efficiency is high . it is very congruous to be used by such units as universities and enterprises , because of the characteristics of good portability , extendibility , maintainability , easy - to - use , security
    基于以上关键技术,论文最终实现的“用户网络业务管理系统” ,架构简洁合理、结构清晰、性能高效,具有较好的可移植性、可扩展性、可维护性、易用性、安全性等特点,非常适合应用于院校、企业等单位的园区网。
  • We will show that not any mean of the revenue rates of the industrial indexes is significantly beyond value zero at confident level 0 . 90 . moreover the mean of the revenue rate of sse 30 index is negative ( though not significant ) . and the fact of " the heritage of variance " appears congruous to the feature of industries represented by the corresponding indexes
    第二章,通过分析上海股市各分类指数的收益率序列的特征,得出结论如下:各序列都非正态,有自相关性和异方差存在,相对适宜用garch ( 1 , 1 )来拟合;除了上证商业( 1b0002 ) ,各分类指数收益率的均值在85的置信度下都不显著地异于0 ,而上证30 ( 1b0007 )的收益率竟小于0 ;在各分类指数中, ”波动继承性”的结果和各分类指数对应行业的特征是相关的。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • corresponding in character or kind

  • suitable or appropriate together


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