Old site of the preaching house of american congregational mission 美国公理会布道所旧址
Original site of the american congregational mission preaching house 美国公理会布道所旧址
The china congregational church 中华基督教会公理堂
Original site of the american congregational mission preaching hall 2 bridges street -美国公理会福音堂原址-必列者士街2号
The place where this market situated used to be occupied by the preaching house of american congregational mission 这个市场的所在之处,原为美国公理会的布道所。
Religion : the principal religion is christianity , with about 70 % of the population adhering to the cook islands congregational christian church , and roman catholic 宗教:主要信基督教, 70的人属于库克群岛公理会基督教会以及天主教。
Over the bare limbs of the trees , which now swayed in the wintry wind , rose the steeple of the union park congregational church , and far off the towers of several others 光秃秃的树枝在寒风中摇摆,树梢后面耸立起联合公园公理会教堂的尖顶,再远处,还有好几个教堂的塔楼耸立着。
I ve shared a story that many of you have read in our congregational newspaper . it is a story of the lady who was dedicated to her faith in jesus christ and to her church . when she knew the path ahead of her life was short , she said to her pastor , " i want to plan my funeral with you . 我曾经讲过一个故事,很多人在我们分发的报纸上也看到,故事是关于一位女士,她对教会非常忠心,当她知道自己时日无多,她对她的牧师说:我想跟你一起筹备我的丧礼。
On the other hand , the british , knowing that reformed clergy had taken the lead in promoting independence ( see below ) , targeted their churches for desecration : they would find the local presbyterian ( or congregational ) church and turn into a stable for their horses , thus " desecrating " it 另一方面,当英国人知道改革宗的牧师领导提倡独立(见下)之后,就以他们的教会为玷辱的目标;英国人寻找地方上的长老会(或公理会)的教堂,把这些教堂变为他们的马厩,藉此玷辱其教会。