The palm of one 's hand is slightly concave .. 人的手掌是微凹的。
The cloven hooves are sharp edged, elastic and concave . 蹄锋利,呈凹形,富有弹性。
The graph of a concave function is always below its tangent . 一个凹函数的图象总在它的切线的下方。
The mirror is concave . 镜子呈凹面。
The next wave would lift those objects up its steep concave slope . 跟着涌来的浪头又把这些物品举到了那高高的浪峰上。
The next wave would lift those objects up to its steep concave slope . 跟着涌来的浪头又把这些物品举到了那高高的浪峰上。
Alternative characterization of concave and convex functions which is sometimes useful . 对于凹函数和凸函数还有一个替补的表征,有时它是有用的。
the spectrograph uses a concave diffraction grating that provides a wavelength dispersion of 4. 2a°/mm in the first order. 光谱仪用了一块凹面衍射光栅,第一级光谱的色散度为42埃毫米。