Both the actors and actresses in the play are competently filled . 这出戏,男女演员配搭得很和谐。
The corner location really started paying off, and i soon found myself handling more patients than i could handle competently . 地处十字路口可真给我带来了好处,许多病人都来请我看病,我忙得应接不暇。
We solve our customers tasks quickly and competently 快速和圆满解决客户的问题。
A lawyer should represent a client competently 律师应称职地担任当事人的代理。
Now they can handle the people ' s affairs quite competently 现在他们已经能够很好地为人民办事了。
Our work competently , ethically , objectively and fairly for the people we serve 同时敢于创新,设法寻求良策,解决目前及长远发展问题
There is no shortcut , and mastering any language competently and fluently requires effort 熟练掌握任何一种语言都需要付出努力,没有捷径可走。
Patients with nutrition - related compromised immune systems : problems exist in addressing this need competently 病患与营养相关危及免疫系统:问题存在著重于此需求能够满足:
To ride safely and competently you must ride a cycle of the right size and adjustment to suit you 骑单车如要安全和骑得好,所选的单车一定要大小合适,把手及鞍座的高度也应调校得宜。