

  • adj.
    -ly ,-ness n.



  • 例句与用法
  • A compendious discussion on government budget reform in the public finance
  • At its best , it is a compendious , portmanteau - like repository that captures “ the concrete , everyday , corporeal nature of life ”
  • Foruthly , remoulding and assiminating compendious idioms and allusions and aphorism and famous remark containing rich philosophic theory in chinese ancient books and records
  • America s first dictionary - noah webster s a compendious dictionary of the english language - was published 200 years ago and also introduced a crop of fresh words that have now become familiar
  • America ' s first dictionary - noah webster ' s a compendious dictionary of the english language - was published 200 years ago and also introduced a crop of fresh words that have now become familiar
  • America ' s first dictionary - - noah webster ' s a compendious dictionary of the english language - - was published 200 years ago and also introduced a crop of fresh words that have now become familiar
    美国第一部词典- -诺亚?韦伯斯特先生的《简明英语词典》于200年前出版,当时收入其中的一批新词如今已为大家十分熟悉了。
  • America ' s first dictionary - noah webster ' s a compendious dictionary of the english language - was published 200 years ago and also introduced a crop of fresh words that have now become familiar . those " new " words in 1806 included slang , surf , psychology and , naturally , americanize
  • By changing of the difference of write address and read address , a delayed signal from read port is achieved . the two methods have different idea but reach the same goal and have the properties that are pure digital delay , little error , compendious circuit and maneuverability
  • On the base of compendious introduction of position , condition of traffic , choice substratum of this topic and studying significance of bamei eco - tourism region , the thesis has especially narrated strategic significance of developing tourism and regional geological background , has detailed introduced type and feature of tourism resource of bamei eco - tourism region , has deeply analyzed relation of tourism market supplying and needing ; after studying feasibility of conversion of resource and production , the author took the opinion of deeply development of tourism products , and detailed discussed on deeply development of tourism products of bamei eco - tourism region
  • Technique of transmitting data via power line ( pl ) , a new technique developed in recent years , is used to automatize the free collecting system in public service and the management of uptown service 。 this article discussed the advantage , disadvantage and the current state of the power line carrier communication 。 the advantage , method and current state of using spread spectrum technique in power line communication are discussed 。 then the characteristic of low voltage power network was also compendious analyzed 。 in this paper , after introducing the principle of ssc , design of hardware and software of the system are been discussed 。 this system has been put into use , the result has proved its high stability and reliability
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 英文解释
  • briefly giving the gist of something; "a short and compendious book"; "a compact style is brief and pithy"; "succinct comparisons"; "a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject"
    同义词:compact, succinct, summary,

  • 其他语种释义
  • compendiousとは意味:{形} : 簡潔な -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】kэmpe'ndiэs、【分節】com?pen?di?ous
  • 推荐英语阅读
compendious的中文翻译,compendious是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译compendious,compendious的中文意思,compendious的中文compendious in Chinesecompendious的中文compendious怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
