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collateralized mortgaged obligation中文是什么意思

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  • 担保抵押债券


  • Collateralized mortgage obligation
  • Thus , this dissertation is devoted to presenting complete coverage of the collateralized mortgage obligations so as to fill in some blank of this field
  • It was also made clear that collateralized mortgage obligation should be chose as the first one of mbs in china for its remarkable characteristics compared with the other kinds of mbs
  • The second product is in the form of multi - class mbs with credit - enhancement provided through segmentation of the issue into senior and junior tranches commonly known as collateralized mortgage obligation or cmo , over - collateralization or reserve fund arrangements
  • Now there is a large body of academic and industry research on the establishment of mortgage - backed securities ( mbs ) market , much of which involves introduction of various types of mbs such as mortgage pass - through securities ( mpts ) , mortgage pay - through bonds ( mptbs ) , mortgage - backed bonds ( mbbs ) , collateralized mortgage obligations ( cmos ) and so on
    目前,学术界和本行业实践者们对我国发展mbs市场这一课题进行了广泛的研究,其中,很大一部分研究是围绕住房抵押贷款支持证券的品种设计展开的,这些品种包括过手证券、转付证券、抵押贷款支持债券以及抵押担保证券( cmos )等。
  • This section begins with the analysis of the cash flow of the two most elementary products - mortgage pass through securities ( mpt ) and collateralized mortgage obligations ( cmo ) , and describes the difference between the function mechanism and the ability of resisting risk . then , based on the above analysis , this article tries to invent an new cmo product which goes by the name of adjustable amortization mortgage ( aam ) and can effectively counteract the extension risk when interest rate goes up . at the same time , this article also indicate some problem which should pay special attention to in practical application and put forward some corresponding market promotion strategy
    本章首先通过对两种最基本的抵押证券? ?抵押贷款传递证券( mpt )和抵押担保证券( cmo )现金流量变化的分析,研究其运行机制和防御风险的功能差异,接着在以上分析的基础上,文章尝试提出了一种能够有效化解利率上升环境中延期风险的新型证券品种? ?可调整分期付款额的抵押担保证券( adjustableamortizationmortgage ,简称为aam )的设想,但同时也指出了这种抵押担保证券在实际应用中应该特别注意之处,并提出了相应的市场推广策略。
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