The pain of biliary colic is occasionally in the epigastrium . 胆绞痛的疼痛有时出现在上腹。
He had an awful colic . 他有严重的腹绞痛。
Atropine has often been given with an opioid in the treatment of renal colic in the hope that it will relax the ureteral smooth muscle . 阿托品常与鸦片类制剂合用治疗肾绞痛,目的在于松驰输尿管平滑肌。
Eighty - six patients with renal colic treated by acupuncture 针刺治疗肾绞痛86例
Lead colic misdiagnosed as surgical acute abdomen 铅绞痛误诊为急腹症2例报告
The baby had colic every night , and the mother had ieft - 婴儿每天晚上都肚子痛他妈妈又不在
Determine of pge2 contact in the senile colic diseases and its significance 2含量测定及其临床意义
Colic is paroxysms of crying and irritability in an infant 疝痛表现为婴儿的阵发性哭闹和烦躁不安。
Intestinal obstruction causing colic , vomiting , and constipation 肠阻塞造成腹绞痛、呕吐和便秘的肠道堵塞
Generally , the gastric colic will be relieved about one hour after taking medicine 小时左右胃痛则会缓解。