the absence of heat; "the coldness made our breath visible"; "come in out of the cold"; "cold is a vasoconstrictor" 同义词:cold, low temperature, frigidity, frigidness,
the sensation produced by low temperatures; "he shivered from the cold"; "the cold helped clear his head" 同义词:cold,
coldnessとは意味:coldness n. 冷たさ; 冷酷さ. 【動詞+】 ◆She sensed a coldness in him despite his charm. 彼は魅力的ではあるけれど冷たいところがあることを感じた. 【+動詞】 ◆A coldness had entered their relationship. 彼らの間柄に冷えたものが生じていた. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆I noted the co...