The clamor did not subside so simply . 喧闹没有那么容易地消散。
The horses came to a standstill, the vague clamor of the work lapsed away . 马儿站住了,工作时嘈杂声响静下来了。
The french were in a state of postwar shock and clamoring for fearful retribution . 法国人处于一种战后惊恐状态,叫嚷要进行可怕的报复。
Zefter reeled as if she were intoxicated, overwhelmed by the clamor and congestion . 泽弗特尔摇摇晃晃地走着,好象喝醉了酒似的。她已经被嘈杂的声音和拥挤的人群闹得晕头转向了。
They raised their pile of dry brush and damp weeds higher and higher, and when they saw the thick cloud begin to roll up and smother the tree, they broke out in a storm of joy clamors . 他们把干柴湿草堆得越来越高;一见那浓烟袅袅而起把那棵树笼罩起来,他们就喜悦欢呼,像一阵狂风暴雨似的。
And they're clamoring like geese for disband 就像一群鹅一样叫嚷着要解散军队
The newspapers clamored against the government's policy 大声疾呼反对政府的政策。
Boys, a clamor for my beloved friend lucius 来给我亲爱的朋友卢西尔斯造点噪音
The debate was interrupted by a clamor of opposition 辩论被反对方的一声叫喊打断。
The students clamored to see the new president 学生们叫嚣着要求见新校长。