

  • adj.



  • 例句与用法
  • The antarctic circumpolar wave : a combination of two signals ?
    南极环极波: 2个信号的合并?
  • Antarctic stratospheric circumpolar vortex
  • Antarctic circumpolar current
  • Features and spatial distributions of circumpolar deep water in the southern india
  • Simulations of magnetic fields generated by the antarctic circumpolar current at satellite altitude : can geomagnetic measurements be used to monitor the flow
  • If the circumpolar vortex lasts longer than usual in future years , a large ozone hole could be expected to develop above the arctic
  • ( 3 ) on interannual timescale , the changes in the sh ferrel cell lead to the anti - phase variation of the subtropical high and the circumpolar low , i . e . , the antarctic oscillation ( aao )
    ( 3 )南半球ferrel环流圈的异常使绕极低压带和副热带高压带的强度出现了反位相的变化特征,即南极涛动。
  • A preliminary analysis of geographical elements of the lichen genus pertusaria from china is given in the text . of the forty - five species , seven ( 15 % ) are endemic to china , two ( 4 % ) are cosmopolitan , nine ( 20 % ) are circumpolar , eight ( 17 % ) are pantropical , seven ( 15 % ) are eurasian , five ( 9 % ) are east asian - north american , seven ( 15 % ) are east - asian and two ( 4 % ) are sino - himalayan . all the specimens examined by the writer are deposited in the following herbaria : hmas - l , hkas , nnu , abl , canl , w and sdnu
    本研究所检查的标本保存于以下标本馆:中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆( hmas - l ) 、中国科学院昆明植物研究所隐花植物标本馆( hkas ) 、南京师范大学植物标本室( nnu ) 、加拿大自然历史博物馆( canl ) 、奥地利维也纳自然历史博物馆( w ) 、荷兰cbs的标本室( abl )以及山东师范大学植物标本室( sdnu ) 。
  • The main results are as follows : 1 . the circumpolar distribution , abundance and growing condition of euphansia snperba the author studied the euphansia superba samples obtained during 1992 1993 , 1997 1998 and 1999 2000 chinese antarctic expedition . the results show that the circumpolar distribution pattern of euphausia superba was obvious , it was mainly distributed in two regions , the weddell sea region ( 0 - 80 w ) and the prydz bay region ( 45 - 90 e ) , also we obtained some samples in the ross sea region ( 145 - 180 w )
    大磷虾的环南极分布研究:对中国南极考察1992 / 1993 , 1997 / 1998 , 1999 / 2000三个环南极航次的大磷虾样品的分析结果表明,大磷虾环南极分布主要集中在两个海区:威德尔海区( 0 ? 80 w )和普里兹湾及其邻近海域( 45 ? 90 e ) ,另外在罗斯海外海区( 145 ? 180 w )也有少量的大磷虾分布。
  • 英文解释
  • located or found throughout a polar region

  • (of a celestial body) continually visible above the horizon during the entire 360 degrees of daily travel; "a circumpolar star"

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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