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用"chorzow"造句"chorzow"怎么读"chorzow" in a sentence


  • 霍茹夫
  • 科索夫


  • It ' s against one of the teams who could win the world cup . " poland coach pawel janas , whose side were also beaten 2 - 1 by england in chorzow last year , said : " it was an even match . but in both games , england were a goal better .
    赛后,波兰队主教练雅纳斯认为本场比赛以及去年波兰队在主场1 : 2输给英格兰队的那场比赛都是“势均力敌”的,但英格兰队胜在“把握机会”上。
  • Part of the squad ' s luggage got lost on the way from chorzow , where they beat poland 2 - 1 on tuesday thanks to a freak goal from goalkeeper luis enrique martinez , to duesseldorf airport on wednesday . colombia had planned to hold a training session on wednesday evening in moenchengladbach , west of duesseldorf , where they are due to face hosts germany in a warm - up game on friday , but cancelled it because of the missing boots


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