Degradation of chlorophenols catalyzed by laccase 漆酶催化降解氯酚类有机污染物
Toxicity of chlorophenols to anaerobic methane formation 氯酚类化合物对厌氧产甲烷毒性的试验研究
Water quality - gas chromatographic determination of some selected chlorophenols in water 水质.水中选定氯酚的气相色谱测定
Water quality - gas chromatographic determination of some selected chlorophenols in water 水质.气相色谱法测定水中选定的氯酚
Degradation of chlorophenols catalyzed by laccase degradation of chlorophenols catalyzed by laccase 漆酶催化降解氯酚类有机污染物
Water quality - gas chromatographic determination of some selected chlorophenols in water ; german version en 12673 : 1998 水质.水中选出的氯酚的气体色谱测定
Determination of chlorophenols in drinking water and water resource by solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography 气相色谱法测定饮用水及其水源水中的氯酚
Soil quality - determination of some selected chlorophenols - gas - chromatographic method with electron - capture detection 土质.一些选定的氯苯酚的测定.电子俘获检测的气相色谱法
Soil quality - determination of some selected chlorophenols - gas - chromatographic method with electron - capture detection 土质.一些选出的氯苯酚的测定.电子俘获检测的气相色谱法
Soil quality - determination of some selected chlorophenols - gas - chromatographic method with electron - capture detection iso 14154 : 2005 土质.一些选定的氯苯酚的测定.电子俘获检测的气相色