The next day cherokee sal had such rude sepulture as roaring camp afforded . 第二天,切罗基人莎被草草地埋了,咆哮营能提供的不过如此。
They walked beside a fence massed with honeysuckle and cherokee roses and came to a gate swinging open between two brick pillars . 他们沿着一道蔓满了忍冬和野白玫瑰的篱笆走着,来到一扇敝开的大门前面,两侧是砖砌的门柱。
Ruby there ' s a place close . old cherokee , it used to be 附近有处切罗基人的老屋
Ruby ) there ' s a place close . old cherokee , it used to be 附近有处切罗基人的老屋
( ruby ) there ' s a place close . old cherokee , it used to be 附近有处切罗基人的老屋
Just swing me back around to cherokee 把我送回cherokee那边就行