Kim jeong - yul , an earth science professor at the korea national university of education in cheongju , said his team discovered 100 fossilized prints on changseon island , 270 kilometers 162 miles south of seoul 韩国国立教育大学一位姓金的地球科学专业教授表示,他所领导的研究团队在位于首尔以南270公里处的changseon岛上发现了100处鸟类足迹化石。
Kim jeong - yul , an earth science professor at the korea national university of education in cheongju , said his team discovered 100 fossilized prints on changseon island , 270 kilometers ( 162 miles ) south of seoul 韩国国立教育大学一位姓金的地球科学专业教授表示,他所领导的研究团队在位于首尔以南270公里处的changseon岛上发现了100处鸟类足迹化石。