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  • 轮藻植物


  • Charophyceae a class of the chlorophyta ( green algae ) that includes the stoneworts , formerly placed in a separate phylum charophyta
  • Among them , chlorophyta includes the most , 38 species , which belong to 8 families , 13 genera ; the next is cyanophyta , including 10 species , which belong to 2 families , 4 genera ; the third is rhodopyta , including 7 species , which belong to 4 families and 4 genera ; xanthophyta includes 4 species , which belong to 2 families , 2 genera ; and charophyta includes the least , only 3 species , 1 families , 1 genera . the quantities of algae in niangziguan appear the most in spring , having 49 species . among them , chlorophyta is the most , more than 30 species , and cyanophyta 10 species , rhodopyta 6 species , xanthophyta 3 species , separately
  • And the number of charophyta and rhodophyta is less , rich in wulongquan , and none or less in other sites . from the sampling sites distribution of macroalgae in niangziguan , macroalgae species is the most in wulongquan , 30 species , accounting for 48 % of the total . the next is gunquan , 27 species , accounting for 44 % , the third is shuiliandong , 23 species , accounting for 37 % , and pingyanghu 21 species , accounting for 34 % , the last is shuishangrenjia , 17 species , only accounting for 27 %
    从娘子关泉域大型藻类植物在各采集点的分布看,五龙泉大型藻类种数最多,为30种,占总种数的48 ,其次是滚泉为27种,占总种数的44 ,第三是水帘洞泉,为23种,占总种数的37 ,第四是平阳湖,种数为21种,占总种数的34 ,水上人家泉的种数最少,为17种,仅占种数27 。


The Charophyta are a division of green algae, that includes the closest relatives of the embryophyte plants. In some groups, such as conjugating green algae, flagellate cells do not occur.
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