Chaparral - covered slopes , caves . . . a good place for weekend family picnic , hiking and climbing 炽热火山形成的绝顶奇石,犹如千面女郎,变化万千,极适合野餐露营探险爬山。
Pulled north and west by the san andreas rift , the pinnacles are still in migration . hiking trails , ranging from easy to extremely strenuous , take visitors from chaparral - covered slopes , through caves , to the high peaks 游客可以从不同的步道,或高或低或左或右,欣赏奇石犹如千面女郎般的面容更有人选择夜晚攀上高峰,一窥月光下的奇石。
dense vegetation consisting of stunted trees or bushes 同义词:scrub, bush,