They agreed upon a memorial which they left at the chancellery . 他们一致同意拟订了一份意见书,送到总理府。
The remains of the chancellery and the adlon hotel up the wilhelmstrasse were burning . 总理府和威廉街上的阿德隆饭店的断墙残垣还在燃烧之中。
.. . working in the f'uhrer's chancellery . . ..当我在柏林的元首府工作时..
.. . in the grounds of the chancellery ..我们一直在元首府的院子里打靶。
In the grounds of the chancellery .我们一直在元首府的院子里打靶。
Working in the f'uhrer's chancellery .当我在柏林的元首府工作时
Was announced, throughout the whole of the chancellery complex .要在整个元首府系统内举办一场打字竞赛
.. . was announced, throughout the whole of the chancellery complex . . ..要在整个元首府系统内举办一场打字竞赛..
The " tour " starts above ground with images of the old reich's chancellery and winter garden “虚拟之旅”开始于地面之上老德国总理府和冬园的图景。
When she took over the chancellery last november, many observers expected her to be a german version of margaret thatcher ( minus the threatening handbag ), and knock the economy back into shape 当她在去年11月接任总理,许多观察家预计,她会是个德国版的撒切尔夫人(但不带吓人的手提包),并将着手重振经济。