Soames checked his instinctive "not particular"--he would not chaffer with this alien . 索米斯抑制着那句“无所谓”的口头禅没有说--跟这个外国家伙犯不着噜苏。
Soames checked his instinctive " not particular " - - he would not chaffer with this alien 索米斯抑制着那句“无所谓”的口头禅没有说- -跟这个外国家伙犯不着噜苏。
Thou art , i vow , the remarkablest progenitor barring none in this chaffering allincluding most farraginous chronicle 我敢起誓,在包罗万象最为庞杂的烦冗记录中,你是无比出众的繁殖者。
Check the state of the straw separated : if the straw is seriously broken , the cylinder and the concave must be adjusted to lessen excessive threshing ; if the straw is complete and unbroken , the quantity of wind shall be increased to make the chaff on the sieve surface the state of floating or the opening of the chaffer shall be slightly increased to make the grain fall through the sieve 检查单个稻草的状况:如果稻草严重受损,必须调节滚筒和凹面以减小脱粒过猛;如果稻草完好无损,则必须增大风量使得谷筛表面的废渣飘浮起来,或者慢慢加大谷筛孔,使得谷物穿过谷筛。