It is especially important to ensure the security and celerity of the railway transport 保障铁路运输的安全快速就显得特别重要。
Also , the celerity with which it had been accepted and published was a pleasant thought to him 那作品接受很快,出版迅速,令他很高兴。
Hanson jumped out of bed with more celerity than he usually displayed and looked at the note 汉生以从未有过的敏捷从床上一跃而起,来看那张纸条。
" i dare say you believed it ; but i am by no means convinced that you would be gone with such celerity “也许你真的相信你自己的话可是我怎么也不相信你做事情会那么当机立断。
It becomes truth that customer celerity consultation , looking up and complain by specialized service in time comprehensively 呼叫中心实现了客户快速咨询、查询和投诉,提供了全面、专业和及时的服务。
The requirement of medicine industry demands that the dispensation system has good performance on celerity , veracity and reliability 医药行业的生产需要对中药自动配方机提出了快速性、准确性和可靠性等多方面要求。
As soon as the servo system is concerned , the celerity of control algorithm is a very important capability guideline 在计算机控制系统中,控制程序的时间间隔对控制品质有着很重要的影响,这就要求所设计的控制器收敛速度快。
The machine have been checked and accepted , and after working for a long time it is proved to have the characteristics of celerity , accuracy , convenience and safety 该仪器已被验收通过,运行表明,具有快速准确,使用方便,安全可靠等特点。
This experiment is going to validate the relations between the momentum and kinetic energy by determining the momentum and the kinetic energy of the celerity electron at the same time 本实验通过对快速电子的动量及动能的同时测定来验证动量和动能之间的相对论关系。
And the auto indhstry is a capital flight , technical flight , high vicical industry . it can bring along the synchronous celerity , develop all kinds of fields in the society 汽车产业也是一个资本密集、技术密集、高附加值的产业,它能带动社会各个领域的快速、同步发展。
celerityとは意味:celerity n. 《文語》 敏速さ. 【動詞+】 ◆He showed considerable celerity in finishing the work. かなりすばやく仕事をやり終えた. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆with amazing celerity 驚くほど敏速に. 【前置詞+】 ◆We ask that you complete construction with the ut...