

  • 的朋友
  • 恶魔城



  • 例句与用法
  • Cheers went to the castlevania world , we will have enough fooling around
  • Introduction : cheers went to the castlevania world , we will have enough fooling around
  • Fixed compatibility issue with castlevania dracula x chronicles , and maybe more games
    (加强兼容性可以玩恶魔城伯爵x编年史和更多的游戏。 )
  • First video , the video which most of you have been waiting for , the castlevania symphony of the night speed run
  • Castlevania : order of shadows is the latest chapter in the popular videogame series , designed exclusively for the mobile platform
  • Both symphony of the night and aria of sorrow have similar structures to the original castlevania level as well - an area filled with zombies , a small underground water area with fishmen , and a walk back upstairs
    《月下的夜想曲》和《晓月的圆舞曲》也有与初代荒城回廊相似的结构? ?僵尸横行的城堡入口,一小截有鱼人出没的地下水脉,拐向回走的上楼阶梯。
  • Featuring never - before - seen game play , storyline features and original music , castlevania : order of shadows for the mobile platform is an exclusive adventure for cellphone users and is available on most major carriers ( including at & t , t - mobile and verizon networks )
    拥有着前所未见的游戏模式、剧本和原声音乐, 《恶魔城:暗影命令》将成为手机平台上独有的一款冒险游戏,它对应绝大多数的网络。
  • To find his father , alcade you , once again decided to make into kojima , the resulting nightmare began . castlevania series since september 86 in fc on the cassette version to the emergence , some 10 years , along with many people spent their childhood , it is the classic c
  • Take blood sucking vampire as the action adventure game of topic , change a body ability specially , make the player enjoy the control fun of different person in the game , fight condition fire to explode , abundant story background , shock of boss war , make this game become the your work which matches in excellence castlevania
  • 百科解释
Castlevania, known as in Japan, is a video game series created and developed by Konami, centered on the Belmonts, a clan of vampire hunters, and their fight with Dracula.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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